Domestic Relations Mediation
At Covenant Mediation Services, we have assisted thousands of families in reaching peaceful resolution of their issues.
Domestic Relations Mediation includes:
Division of Property or Assets
Legal Separation
Any other issues that are important to the parties
You might ask, how does mediation work in a domestic relations case? How can a third party assist the parties?
First, the mediator is neutral and impartial. Because of this, we are often able to see the real issues behind the emotion that is often so present in domestic relations cases. As impartial mediators, we help the parties find common ground and constantly move the parties forward in their thinking.
Second, the mediator is there to ensure a fair process where all concerns will be heard and addressed. At Covenant Mediation we are trained in using effective communication techniques that enable us to assist parties in expressing their concerns. The mediator is also the "agent of reality" - often asking questions and encouraging the parties to consider the risks and concerns of not resolving their differences.
Third, the selection of the mediator is by agreement. Both parties must jointly agree upon the mediator. If you have an attorney, they will often assist you with the selection of the mediator. An experienced family law attorney has probably done hundreds of mediations in the past and will typically know what mediator will be effective for your case.
Fourth, the entire process is confidential. Mediation is a private process and the mediator will not repeat statements, post to social media, or disclose information learned in a mediation, except for those required by law. This ensures a safe and free environment where parties can talk about any issues without judgment or ridicule.
If you have an attorney, they can help you to prepare for mediation. If you don't have an attorney, here are some ways to prepare before scheduling the mediation:
Have a clear and unclouded mindset. High emotions are common in domestic relations mediation. If however, you are seeing things purely from an emotional viewpoint, it's probably not yet time to mediate. In order to make a clear decision, you must have a decent balance of logic and emotion.
Understand your finances, assets, and debts. Know what financial items are at issue in your case. Also think about the best way to divide any assets and/or liabilities. If parties have a clear financial picture and the appropriate documents, negotiations are much smoother.
Understand issues involving children. Know what custody means and the types of custody. Understand what documents are typically required by the court for these issues.
Be prepared to negotiate and compromise. A successful negotiation involves everyone NOT getting everything they want. Know exactly what your needs are and be able to express them. Spent some time thinking about what the other person wants/needs versus what you need. It will help you focus on the things you are willing to compromise.
Be prepared for the process to take time. It is wise not to have anything else scheduled on your mediation date. Domestic relations mediations can be very lengthy and easily last more than 5 hours. Sometimes, more than one mediation session is needed.